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(ÉPISODE #7/7)

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Les cuves de débourbage sont bien prêtes, les pressoirs opérationnels et la benne pour les aisgnes est en place. Vous vous êtes couché tard hier soir.


Vous ouvrez les volets, bien avant le lever du soleil. Aujourd'hui est une journée particulière :  l'heure de la vendange a sonné !

Olivier est parti déposer les caisses à vendanges vides dans les parcelles qui vont être vendangées aujourd'hui.


Le soleil se lève à peine et c'est déjà l'effervescence dans les rues du village. Tous les amis et habitués qui vous accompagnent chaque année ont répondu présents, une fois de plus. Cela vous fait chaud au coeur.


Alice is busy gathering the last buckets, the roasting potatoes, the hot coffee and the first aid kit. It sometimes happens that you have to treat a small cut or relieve a wasp sting, which is still very present this year...

It's 10 a.m., the vine plots have been bustling for a good 2 hours already and   the first trailer loaded with Meuniers arrives. Olilive  seems delighted with the quality you are getting brought au pressoir.  Hummingbird in hand, Alice will also take care today of raising the sugar level while the precious grapes are weighed._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_"Ten degrees five" she announces to her mother who records data for each pallet delivered. The first grapes wait in the shelter of the cellar, near the brand new press.


There are still a few crates missing to launch the 1st marc, you decide to go back to the gallops with Olivier to check the conditions of the harvest. You come across many tractors and vans, there is no doubt that the ballet of the harvest has started well. Champagne roads are still healthy, but from here a few days, if it does not rain, the roads will become sticky under the tires of the comings and goings of the harvest trailers.

You arrive on site and the team has already finished its first coffee break. Luckily, today, the sun is present and the mild temperatures will not affect the morale of the troops from the first day. The forecasts are also rather optimistic for the next 2 weeks, even if some mornings are likely to be a little cooler.

You notice that Olivier's reminder about sorting grapes is bearing fruit. The sun was intense this summer and the scorching temperatures, some bunches suffered and those showing scalding are well separated and put on the ground. 

You pass by to greet the pickers and stevedores one by one. Everyone is smiling and a few jokes are flying through the ranks...  You love this atmosphere and this communion that are so important to you.

You take advantage of being on site with the team to grab a secateurs and a bucket to accompany this choreography of pickers where everyone gradually advances towards the end of their route. Some whistle, others share the good times of the past year and remember the last cochelet when they said "See you next year!".   That's when your neighbor on the road gets up, shouting in an energetic tone "Panieeeeeer!" to signal to the longshoreman that it would be time to come to his rescue to exchange his full basket for an empty one.

Noon is approaching, Olivier finishes loading the van. You take a magnum of Champagne and a few fruit juices out of the cooler and give them to the team leader so that he can share a blida with everyone before lunch.


It is time to return to the presses. You can't wait to taste the first musts that will soon flow from the mash.


Sanitary conditions are very good, the harvest promises to be exceptional this year, synonymous with great diversity and very  good wines for the future blends of the house.

Age of Champagne - Publisher : Old Hen Games © 2022 by Studio PixL

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